I am a woman who lives a full, overflowing life. My days begin early. I sneak in a few moments of silence before my home begins to rumble with the beautiful chaos of five growing humans who require meals and instructions and hugs.
I began to pursue entrepreneurship over eleven years ago so I could be emotionally, socially, spiritually and physically available for these little ones. I did it so I could have those extra moments in prayer to fill up on God’s presence before launching into eight to sixteen hours of service to others.
Fast forward to today, I find myself juggling womanhood with entrepreneurship. While entrepreneurship requires a certain fortitude, womanhood requires a certain softness. I must have gentleness and strength to nurture my family, to encourage and support my husband, and to hear from God.
The pace of my life requires margin, which means I must be discerning and disciplined regarding the pursuits that fill my life.
There are things that I am gifted to do. I am gifted to write, to create content, to tell stories. I am gifted with compassion and empathy to love and serve people.
There are things that I have learned to do – through jobs, in school, in church and at home. Some things I have to do, and some I don’t.
The question is which opportunities lead me further in my destiny and which pursuits are simply distractions?
Entrepreneurs make decisions every single day. Which tool to use? Which client to pursue? Where to volunteer our time? Which networking event will yield the most business?
Some decisions will be distractions. They will cost us money, time and energy. Some decisions will accelerate us into greater impact. So how do we know the difference?
For me, the first litmus test of destiny vs. distraction is my values. We were all born with a passion. There are some issues that make us more upset than others. Some experiences bring us joy, some make us pause. Our values – our moral compass, or our code – should be the deciding factor that guides us to a greater, more aligned version of ourselves.
In order for me to pursue or engage in any relationship, project or opportunity, it must align with my values of integrity, empathy, originality and passion.
I believe in open communication within all stakeholders in a project. I believe in treating people the way I want to be treated. I hold my decisions and principles to the light of God’s Word. I pray about my team, my clients and my business growth. I’m led by the Holy Spirit. Any agreement, contract or covenant that I engage, should align with these core values.
But sometimes, that’s easier said than done.
Sometimes, relationships can seem to align, but after you know more information, you realize you’re drifting.
Here are a few strategies that I use so my decisions are aligned with destiny over distractions:
- Have you prayed about the opportunity? What did you hear from God? Have you received confirmation?
I follow Jesus – this means I need to hear from Holy Spirit, Jesus, the Father – regarding every major life decision. It’s important to pray about your day, your projects, your goals and yes, your partnerships.
And when you pray, LISTEN.
- Do you have wise counsel?
Business owners often pour into their team, their clients and their community. So who’s pouring into you? Do you have pastors that can look down the pike and give you guidance on whether this opportunity is aligned with God’s plan for you? Perhaps it’s a therapist or financial advisor.
At times, we fall into the same cycles again and again. Strong, healthy relationships can help you avoid those cycles by sharing truth and wisdom when you’re getting ready to head into the same pitfall all over again.
Give permission to the right people who have the insight and the authority to support you as you move.
- Is the opportunity moving you closer to or further away from your goal?
In three months or in one year, how will this partnership help you progress towards the vision and plan that God has given you. I received amazing advice from a friend recently when making a life-altering decision. She said, “stay the course”.
When you think about the goals, vision, and plan God has spoken over your life, consider how this move will affect your long-term plan.
- Pay attention to your emotions when you are engaging with the person or project.
Sometimes, everything looks good on paper. Yet, God has instilled certain indicators in our hearts that tell us when a decision is right for us.
Let the peace of Christ [the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him] be the controlling factor in your hearts [deciding and settling questions that arise]. Colossians 3:15
Do you feel peace about it?
I expect that many opportunities will come to you this year. Some are designed to catapult you into your destiny. Others are distractions, designed to keep you busy and out of purpose.
Sometimes peace, or the absence of it, will be the only indicator you will have.
You must choose wisely.